Import article evaluations

Visualise evaluations

Article classes

Computational methods available

Are analysis scripts and any special software used available for inspection and reuse to reproduce the work? Readily available (3) to not mentioned (1).

rrpp %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = comp_mthds_avail,
             fill = art_class)) +
  geom_bar() +
  scale_fill_few() +
  labs(title = "Computational Methods Availability",
       x = "Score",
       fill = "Article class")

Software availability

Is the software readily available? Open source (3, good) to proprietary and $$ (1).

Data availability

Is the data readily available from a proper archiving repository, e.g. Zenodo or Dataverse (3) to not mentioned (1).

Software citations

Was the software used properly cited? All versions and packages cited (3) to not described what was used (1).

Software used (cited)

What are the 10 most popular software packages used?

Unnest the software that were used

rrpp <-
  rrpp %>%
  unnest(software_used = strsplit(software_used, ", "))